Friday, May 20, 2011

About Me...and what xingminds stands for..

About myself:

Frankly There is nothing much to talk about myself.
For those who need to understand the meaning of word XingMinds. Its about topics that I plan to Blog on, its not going to based on one straight topic, planning to write about topics crossing on different fieilds and talking about crossing different minds. Thats why CrossingMinds (XingMinds)

But anyway for those who do not know me.
I work for Automotive industry and I work in the IT department. I currently take care of application helping the Digital Strategy of Ford for APA region. I must say its one field in which there is loads of things to learn.
One thing about me is that I have worked in different IT functions of the Automotive industry to be bold enough to claim that I know the business quite well. Mind the fact that I am not saying I know everything.

Have been bought up in suburbs of Chennai and have completed Masters in Business Administration. But I must confess of what I have learned, hardly 5% of it is credited to my degrees.
Some questions one might have:

1. Why blogging?
a. Frankly tried everything to vent out whats in my mind. But still feel FB, Twitter and Linkedin is not the right medium thats why resorting to Blogging, hope it works

2. What will be blogs be about? 
a. Like I mentioned earlier, will try to discuss / write on different topics that interests me. Like Automobile, IT industry, Management, Project Management, Issues in organization. Especially those for which I feel like venting out whats in my mind..

3. Target Audience?
a. Like any marketing campaign, even blogs need to have a target readers. Mine is the grads who are working, feeling they can make the change, but are not empowered to do so.

4. Frequency:
How frequently am I planning to blog. I have set the rate to a blog a week. So that I can think out as to what to write before I write anything

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the amazing world of blogosphere..
    Nice introduction and hope to see insightful discussions from your experiences..
    Happy Blogging!!!
